Innovation Framework Design
Let Us Build the Perfect, Tailor-Made Innovation Framework for Your Company
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the power of innovation isn't merely a luxury, it's an essential lifeline. But how do you ensure that your innovation initiatives not only shine but also deliver tangible results? At Bosch Innovation Consulting, we believe that the answer lies in a robust Innovation Framework Design.
Every corporate's innovation journey is unique, but the challenges faced by one may mirror another's. This is where our expertise comes into play. We understand that for innovation to truly flourish, it needs to be nurtured within the right basis. With a tailored innovation framework, you not only foster ideation but also streamline its journey from conception to realization.
Are you ready to elevate your company’s innovation potential? We can support you in crafting the perfect innovation framework tailored to your corporate's unique needs.
Article | Why is an innovation framework important?

Read our article about the importance of an innovation framework in today's business landscape and discover more.
The Value of our Innovation Framework
Discover how our designed Innovation Framework can support your company in driving successful innovation at scale
- Transparency of innovation projects’ maturity: Through logical maturity phases, criteria, and deliverables the innovation framework provides transparency of the innovation projects’ maturity improving global comparability of innovation activities.
- Holistic approach with end-to-end process: The innovation framework is based on the entire life cycle of an innovation project and therefore represents a holistic process from strategic framing to scaling.
- Application independent of industry: Industry-independent application of the innovation process proven through hundreds of projects from different domains around the globe.
- Transformation from tech-push to customer-centricity: Early focus on the customer enables innovation projects to turn from tech-push to customer-centricity.
- Incorporating major learnings from thought leaders: The innovation process takes most recent learnings from leading innovation practitioners and institutions into account in order to avoid major pitfalls in innovation.
- Systematic minimization of innovation risk: The framework provides a structured approach to innovation by systematically reducing innovation risks leading to capital-efficient innovation to ensure that promising activities can be funded sufficiently, and less promising ones are cancelled as fast and early as possible.
The Bosch Innovation Framework
Based on our own experience within the Bosch Group, we can show you what matters. Achieve systematic innovation management through a structured End-To-End process

The Bosch Innovation Framework is based on the entire life cycle of an innovation and consists of eight iterative phases starting with the definition of the strategic framework and the search fields. Relevant customer problems are then identified for the prioritized search fields and, building on this, ideas are developed using appropriate creative methods. In the following phase, initial solutions and concepts are developed, which are then subjected to systematic, hypothesis-driven validation. After successful validation of the concept, the incubation phase starts, in which the gap between early adopters and the mass market is to be closed via a reproducible sales process. After successful completion of the incubation phase, series development of the new product begins.

Our experts support you to
- create a framework for innovation from strategy to scale that is appropriate for your business
- identify innovation strategies that are aligned with your business goals
- define criteria to measure the progress and maturity of innovation projects
- create a portfolio of innovation activities and matching criteria to measure the attractiveness of each project in the bigger picture
Sounds good?
You want to get started with us and create the perfect basis for innovation in your company? Then get in touch with us via our contact form or by e-mail to!